Ten Broeck Farm

A Summer with Paige Finnegan

Ten Broeck Farm is so pleased to have Paige Finnegan and Karola 1 (barn name, “Lexicon“), her Grand Prix Holsteiner mare, spending the summer with us. Orintha Silva and her Dutch Warmblood mare, Tirza, are training with Paige, and it’s proving to be a wonderful experience.

Paige is a native New Englander -- she was born in Massachusetts, where she still lives, and is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts. Among her many experiences was a year of working and training in Germany. Her approach to riding and teaching reflects much of the German philosophy. Simply put, “basics are essential”. She says she often draws on her earlier training with her mentor, Gerd Reuter.

Paige purchased and imported Karola 1 from Sweden in December 2000. Karola 1 had been trained as a jumper, and had no dressage experience until Paige bought her. In 2002, Paige and Karola 1 began to compete together. They have competed in an impressive list of shows and now ride at the Grand Prix level. Paige winters in Florida. She spent the winter of 2008 competing and was also the head trainer for 11 horses in Loxahatchee, FL.

Among the highlights of the 2008 season for Paige was a first place in Grand Prix freestyle in the Saugerties CDI. Paige holds USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold Medals, as well as a Gold Bar.

For Orintha Silva, training with Paige has, she says, “made an incredible difference in my riding, and my partnership with Tirza. Paige is demanding, but always fair, and wants nothing but the best for me and my horse. We are so fortunate to have her with us!”

What Orintha says certainly reflects what others say as well. Sue McKeown has written, “She has celebrated the good times and given me hope in the down times. She knows that it is the journey that matters, not the single test score.”

Everyone -- riders and horses alike -- benefits from Paige being at the farm. She is fun to have in the barn and in the training arena, and that includes her friendly and very energetic Boston terrier, Mowgli.

As the summer progresses, we expect that things will only get better and better!

Lessons with Paige:
Paige is available for a limited time at Ten Broeck Farm for lessons. If you are interested, please contact Orintha at 978-877-6636.


Also, check out our other recent activities!