NEFHC Benefit Dressage Show and Social October 23
Many Thanks…
After receiving the remaining pledges this weekend with additional donations to the NEFHC Dressage Benefit and Social of October 23, 2011, a benefit supporting several of our members battling cancer, we are happy to report that we are able to distribute a total of $2,637.00 to the recipients.
Thank you to all who helped to make this event very successful and especially to NEFHC and Ten Broeck Farm who also supported this cause through the discipline of dressage. With the collaboration and generosity of these groups, we were able to help these families and make a difference. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they continue their battle with cancer.
Please see for more information.
Warmest Wishes to all,
Alexis Ierardi, Dressage Benefit Chair
Sandra Ierardi, co-chair
The Northeast Friesian Horse Club
Dressage Benefit Show and Social
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Ten Broeck Farm
Pepperell, MA
Don't miss this special day to benefit several members of our club ( who are currently battling cancer.
A fun filled day promises
- Potluck
- Silent Auction
- Great Dressage
- Prizes
- Sales Horses
- Entry Form (PDF)
Come one. Come All. Come for the Benefit of it!
For more information contact:
Alexis Ierardi, Dressage Show Chair
Sandra Ierardi, Dressage Co-Chair
A great day for great people!
Great Cause:
This will be a great way for the club members and friends to come together for a wonderful event to enjoy each others company and friendship and show their support.
Great Dressage:
The show is a schooling show with tests to include Intro - Level 2 (higher upon request). Juniors riders also welcome!
Great Prizes:
There are great prizes for the 1st place winners of each Test! Yes, you read that correctly. And ribbons will be distributed up to 6th place.
Great Food:
This will be a potluck (the food is always good) so please bring a goodie to share.
Great Exposure:
Additionally, a silent auction will also be featured. Please send in an item for the auction to support our cause while promoting your business/farm. Sponsorships and volunteers are also needed to make this event the best it can be. Please consider a special donation for this cause and we will help advertise your business on the website.
Great Horses for Sale:
Also, have a horse for sale? We will announce your horse for sale that is entered into a test!
Come ride a test. Come watch the talent. If anything, just come for the Benefit of it! It will be a lot of fun.
Thank you!
As a club, we strive to encourage our membership to enjoy their beautiful Friesian Horses and engage in activities in which to promote the Friesian Breed. We are a chapter of the FHANA (Friesian Horse Association of North America) a sister registry of the original FPS located in Holland, of which we adopt our Friesian standards from.
As a dedicated membership, we have hosted many events over the years ranging from natural horsemanship clinics, trail rides, lesson programs, dressage and driving clinics and keur clinics, just to name few. From these fun filled events, our membership continues to enjoy their learned talents either on their own at home or show them through our very popular annual Friesian Classic Horse Show.
Also, check out our other recent activities!