Ten Broeck Farm

2013 Schooling Show Season at Ten Broeck Farm

Sunday, April 21: Judge: Luis Reteguiz-Denizard “L"
Sunday, June 16: Judge: Yvonn Colman-Larson “L”
Sunday, July 28: Judge: Ann Marie Gregoire “r”

June 16 and July 28 shows include a Western Dressage Class!

Please join us for an exciting schooling show season at Ten Broeck Farm. Each show will award six ribbons per class and present Champion and Reserve Champion high point of the day. Also, join us on July 28 when we wrap up with cash prizes for Champion and Reserve High Point for the series (must compete in all three shows to be eligible; same ride/horse team).

Some extra fun!

Spirit awards will be given at each show on the centerline at lunch time. Dress your groom team up based on the show theme and have some fun with costumes and props while sharing some show spirit. The "best dressed groom team" winners will receive a prize for their barn! Themes are as follows:

April: It’s Springtime!
June: A Summer Movie
July: Red, White & Blue

Registration coming soon. Save the dates and contact Orintha Silva (tenbroeckfarm@charter.net) with any questions.


Also, check out our other recent activities!